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Rock Paper Scissor Stocks V1.1

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A Rock Paper Scissor (RPS) game where by the mechanic of choosing a company to invest in, determines if you selected Rock, Paper, or Scissor. Every Monday you choose one of three conglomerates to invest in, and buy from 1-10 stocks. Once you make your purchase the market time advances by one day. Every Friday when the market closes, your shares are sold back automatically. One day out of the market week, your RIVAL company will announce their investment for that week. Based on the rules of RPS, your investment will increase, decrease or in the case of a tie another company will rise or fall. YOUR GOAL: is to gain enough money before your RIVAL attempts to take over the market and form a monopoly. FEATURES: +EASY MODE for learning a few of the basics. +4 BRAND NEW "maybe good" MML tracks created by me, thanks to LITTERBOX_UNOF. +CUSTOM NAMES for you and the RIVAL companies. +RISK/REWARD game play, the more stocks you buy the greater the rise or fall of the values. +CUSTOM RPS AI, with 2 difficulty modes. +GOOFY STORY to keep you trying your best to win! +MANY Annotations left to help understand the program, and how the messy code sort of works. (needs an improvement update post competition) V1.1 "day 2" patch notes Should be final release. Slightly improved UI. Fixed game ending on Monday afternoon -after buying stocks-, and checking bank balance while stocks are out of account.


Main menu: PRESS (Y) to start EASY mode. PRESS (X) to start X-TREAM mode. Main Game: ON MONDAYs PRESS (D-PAD LEFT) (D-PAD RIGHT) to select a conglomerate. PRESS (D-PAD UP) to increase share investment preview. (must have at least 1 share per week)(max 10) PRESS (D-PAD DOWN) to decrease share investment preview. ONLY PRESS (A) when you are ready to purchase. TUESDAY through THURSDAY PRESS (X) to sell one stock at a time. PRESS (A) to continue to the next day. Watch for the blue blinking (A) button prompt, when that happens you PRESS (A) when ready.

Huh, sounds kinda like that conquest game from streetpass plaza, but with stocks. Cool!

Oh, I have never played that. There have never been enough people to street pass here in the edge of the suburbs, so I never felt like paying for the extra games was worth it, for me anyway.

Replying to:Giant_Gamer
Oh, I have never played that. There have never been enough people to street pass here in the edge of the suburbs, so I never felt like paying for the extra games was worth it, for me anyway.
I live on the big island of Hawaii, so I don't get a whole lot of streetpass action ether. =P

Funny, I've been working on a rock, paper, sissors game myself. (Solely for the purpose of learning how to program multiplayer games using basic)

This game is quite fun. I hope you continue to work on it. Maybe after you meet your goal it changes to 3 different objects to start trading stocks.