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Recovering Username

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Had a long time trying to figure out where was the root cause of not being able to log in, and then I realized that the authentication mechanism is actually CASE SENSITIVE. That means every letter of my username has to be the that exact case as the one I used upon registration. But what if I forget this username? I hope admin can add a username recovery for the less active members :)

It was mentioned before... http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=113 This doesn't help, why am I even posting.. ignore me.

I thought I was the first to post it since I quickscanned the forum to look for similar threads before I post....oh well

Uhhhh hm. Yeah when you do password recovery.... I can make an option to send your username too.

perhaps on the reset pw email, can you set the template that goes like this... "Hello <username>, (link to reset pw) ..." but I didn't see it....so perhaps it would be nice if that can be done

OK password recovery sends your username too. Also if you try to login and it fails, it'll remind you about the case-sensitive usernames.