Root / Submissions / [.]
A dumpster fire of code, this RPG sucks, but hopefully with new and improved code, it can finally be mediocre at best.
I'll probably make a better version of this, for computers in the coming months/years/centuries/millennia. It's incredibly dated and buggy/unstable. (at one point a fidget spinner appears) Also, I think my writing might be better now, we'll just have to wait and see
Replying to:
spoiler (yes this is supposed to say spoiler)
how does the narrator's door open? i don't know howsolution
edit your save file using a DAT editor and also don't forget to reverse engineer the checksum (hint: look around for the save code and edit it) the first 8 characters are your nameReplying to:
spoiler (yes this is supposed to say spoiler)
how does the narrator's door open? i don't know howwait what?
you're supposed to be able to have a different name than fish? also somehow i got the right stuff naturally at one time but somehow within narrator's room it changed to a wrong thing also i don't have a DAT editor but i'm making oneReplying to:
can i edit your engine, and use it for my game? its okay if u say no lol :)
(i mean rpg 1 not 2)
sure, but I recommend rgrpg2's engine as it lets you do more. all I need to do is rewrite the event parser thing and it would be really good. rgrpg1 was programmed as a joke and it has horrible structure.
edit: the characters are oc do not steal
honestly I forgot I even left most of these files (like BULLETS, SQUISH, ICONS.GRP) in the demo directory, I guess they're now surprise bonus files.