you know he had to do it to em
R-OS V, with no setup required and the fake "DRM" removed.
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:bazillionSize:too big
RGames is no longer asking people not to copy their code.
I will not be reuploading any more of their programs.
I'm just improving the program for the community! :)
I hope RGames doesn't get mad and take it down.
I'm starting to think you can't come up with anything worthwhile on your own...
Replying to:
I'm starting to think you can't come up with anything worthwhile on your own...
No no you got it all wrong hes saving us from stock R-OS V and making it useable
Replying to:
I'm starting to think you can't come up with anything worthwhile on your own...
RGames could have spent 0.1 time making it useable
could have RGames spent 0.1 usable time making it?
Replying to:
I'm starting to think you can't come up with anything worthwhile on your own...
I have made a few programs which I'm thinking about publishing.
I'm reuploading this code because I was told not to. RGames seems extremely protective of their code, even after uploading it. I wouldn't be reuploading it if RGames didn't make such a big deal about it.
Replying to:
I'm starting to think you can't come up with anything worthwhile on your own...
I do agree, RGames is overly protective of their code on an open source platform, but all of this petty trolling has gone way overboard and only serves to make him upset as opposed to come around on his views. And idk why you specifically target him, plenty of people have voiced their distaste with the open source rules. Just look at the obfuscator thread.
I did NOT know this existed.
Well... its too late to take it down.
BTW The Setup program unpacks R-OS V so it is not fake.
R-OS V but it looks more like Mac OS X
Whoops... I forgot to remove it when it was time... Oh well, R-OS V 1.1 can be COPIED now on SBS