Might make SBS readonly: thread


Root / Programming Questions / [.]

In this Thread you can post questions that aren't big enough to have there own thread. If your asking a question then put a "?" before every questions. If your answering a questions then quote the the question/s. Note: All questions asked here must be program related and please don't start putting random crap here like memes, OK!!! Enjoy...

How do you program in the data of the WOAH meme?

? How do you use bgget so your sprite collides with it? I've looked at other programs, but there code is kind of messy and confusing. What I need is something that focuses purely on collision and is not a game at all. You know, where there is just a movable sprite and a bgtile. That is why to this day I still have trouble.

? how do you animate a sprite when it moves?

How do you program in the data of the WOAH meme?
idk how to program in the data. just record the WOAH meme lol