
questions from a snes programmer

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hi i know 65c816 (and 6502), spc700 and z80 assembly. this game looks interesting though. i'm currently working on my own homebrew for snes but at some point in the future i'd like to be able to sell my game; i only know very tedious assembly languages (and R lol). i think if i use a higher level language like this it would be easier to port to other systems? because right now i have no way of distributing a rom while also receiving money or whatever. if basic isnt a decent language id rather just stick with assembly and release for free or whatever but anyway, how do i code with this? uh........how to make a game i mean. i know how to do gb, nes and snes homebrew but this is new to me. i assume there are no types of hardware registers to access? well this is home i know how to make a game start game code here: -determine game mode and go to it (such as rpg "in battle mode" or "on overworld" mode) -update positions on screen based on controller input -do math, check flags, whatever else -get graphics ready for upload -set music -go back to "start here" (loop forever) then while all that is running there is an "interrupt" every 1/60 of a second and that works like start interrupt: -ready controller input data, store to ram -update/animate graphics -check to see if you need to change music -do more complex calculation if needed return to main loop, where ever it left off uh how does the process differ with this coding language if at all?

Pretty much you plan it out like you do and translate to code, only there are not interrupts etc. I mean pretty much when I program in BASIC everything runs in a loop of INPUT, UPDATE, and DRAW. In SmileBASIC, input is very simple, a command returns values that are based off the buttons or whatever, for example the BUTTON() function returns the buttons currently pressed, using masks you can determine what was pressed. Basic is a decent language, at least to me, and has lots of features that simplify development.