Might make SBS readonly: thread

Platform Example

Root / Submissions / [.]

This is an example project that I've done to show different things (And because the examples provided by SmileBoom aren't easy to read or understand). The aim of this game is to create a "boss rush" platformer game. Here is a list of what is done: -Custom Sprite definition.(Lifebar) -Weather effect with graphic function. -Player collission, control and animation. -Enemy. -Sprite Link(A sword to the player in this case) -Camera handler. -Background handler. -Custom MML loader. -Game state(Currently only 2 states: Title screen and game screen).


-To play, launch .executable, -To compile the code, use .SB3CC(Here is the author notes about the compiler syntax: http://wiki.hosiken.jp/petc3gou/?Toukou%2FSmileBasic3-CustomCompiler) You can see each file to know how I've done the game. There is a lot of comments but if there isn't something clear, then leave a comment below. For the map, layer 3 define metadata (Currently only for collitions). Right now, there is one map(called "1") If you want to use the compiler in one of your project keep in mind that: - You can't use Hexa or bits(&H0000 or &B00) - You need to put spaces between parenthesis and variables. - You need to put an space between a minus and equal when assigning a negative value( X= -Y) - To create a member variable, declare a DIM or write VAR m.variable_name - To access to member variables, leave a space or m. behind the variable name.


-TODO Implement multiples patterns on enemy module to create bosses with different strategies. Implement patterns on Weapon Module to create behaviors for each kind of weapon. Add a projectile module. Add more commentaries on the new functionalities. V0.2 -Added rain -Added enemy -Added player lifebar on the bottom screen. V0.1 Initial release

Very nice looking! Could be a real game if you keep working on it!

Hi, I think I will delete this key. The reasons that I'm going to delete this are: -This project use a dead framework to manage each modules. It also has some bugs. -There are some things that aren't implemented correctly(For example the camera doesn't use splink with the rest of the sprites and the rain use sin and cos on each frame. Those things aren't great for the performance). -I did this project to help the people to understand how to make a platformer game. However, I think the code is a bit complex and confusing to people without much experience in programming. If anyone is interested on keep this code, download it while you can. I'm going to remove the key on tuesday. I think I will write some articles on resources section to make a basic game with sprites. That would be more helpful than this project.

Replying to:raimondz
Hi, I think I will delete this key. The reasons that I'm going to delete this are: -This project use a dead framework to manage each modules. It also has some bugs. -There are some things that aren't implemented correctly(For example the camera doesn't use splink with the rest of the sprites and the rain use sin and cos on each frame. Those things aren't great for the performance). -I did this project to help the people to understand how to make a platformer game. However, I think the code is a bit complex and confusing to people without much experience in programming. If anyone is interested on keep this code, download it while you can. I'm going to remove the key on tuesday. I think I will write some articles on resources section to make a basic game with sprites. That would be more helpful than this project.
I liked how you used the hidden C sprites for background collision detection. I had no idea that that the tile ID for those letters could be read as ascii like that. Thanks for making this.