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3D Polygon shmup!
This is really cool. Great job!
Did you create this or just translate it?
Congratulations on your debut in US!
I created this,
I and Lohad L translated this.
This is great. Are you planning to update it/make a sequel?
This is very impressive and good use of 3D!
I'm not planning to update it.
I want to make a sequel,however,I have to make a new game for next Ogiri.
Great use of 3D
Will you make a squeal?
I wish I was this good.
You should add 2-player multiplayer!
Thank you everyone for posting many comments.
I want to reply to every comments,but it is hard because I am not good at English.
I watch all of comments you posted,and I'm very glad about your comments.
The game is really good and hands down best on SmileBasic