I think it would be really nice to have simple bbcodes set to the default text colors in SmileBASIC. I say "in Code Tags" in the title but I suppose it wouldn't matter if they worked outside of them or not. I don't actually know if there are working color tags yet (we're about to find out), but this is what I use to represent the eight default colors on my PC:
[color=#FFFFFF]TEXT[/color] We wouldn't need a code for this.
[color=#000000]BACK[/color] We also wouldn't need a code for this.
Remembering all of that and typing them out every time would be a pain... but I think it would be nice to do it since I think it would make the code easier to read. We would have to come up with something that wouldn't interfere with the existing SmileBASIC code, though. I have an idea on that front. Here's that again, also nested in a code tag just to see what happens:
[color=#FFFFFF]TEXT[/color] [no code] [color=#DC9696]NUMERIC[/color] [1c]1c[/1c] [color=#7F7F7F]STRING[/color] [2c]2c[/2c] [color=#6469B9]STATEMENT[/color] [3c]3c[/3c] [color=#96B4DC]KEYWORD[/color] [4c]4c[/4c] [color=#05AF4B]COMMENT[/color] [5c]5c[/5c] [color=#E66423]LABEL[/color] [6c]6c[/6c] [color=#000000]BACK[/color][no code]Also, do special characters from SmileBASIC show up in the code tags? Can I type in Japanese in there? All of that would be pretty useful. Here's another test:
KY$[1]="๎ฅ":KY$[2]="๎ค":KY$[3]="๎ฌ":KY$[4]="๎ฆ" KY$[5]="๎ซ":KY$[6]="๎ญ":KY$[8]="๎จ":KY$[10]="๎ฎ" TALK "ใใผใใงใ"For that (on PC, at least) I go UTF-8 with the SMILEBASIC font that SmileBoom supplies. It works pretty well there. Time to see how much of this works, though... Which reminds me: A post preview feature would be amazing. EDIT: Hey! Two out of three ain't half bad... It's one third bad. So... color tags. I'm beggin' ya.