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Lowerdash Ball Demo

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This is a demo program using Lowerdash 0.2.

Lowerdash 0.5 Ogiri includes an updated version of this program

The physics logic is largely inspired by TriForceOfKirby


This "game" uses the accelerometer to bounce balls around the screen! Up & Down to adjust your balls. RUN "BALL.PRG"! Top line is "Allocated / Free" for Strings, Floats, and Ints - in that order


The number of balls the system can handle caps out at 50. In the original physics game, the number of balls can go way past 150. Each ball has its own update and own draw method, and these are called in two separate loops, incurring the cost of context switching 100 times a frame. This could be far improved. I'll have to work on a better speed test and optimize for it. I don't think balls are the best use case.

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