List of Sound Effects
~7 years ago
This is a list of the default sound effects in SmileBASIC. You can hear each by following the hyperlink attached.
0. Beep
1. Noise
2. Square
3. Button-correct
4. Button-incorrect
5. Gauge up
6. Fall down
7. Get a coin
8. Jump
9. Put
10. Shooting
11. Mini Bomb
12. Shining
13. Damage
14. Blow off
15. Drift
16. Banjos
17. Synth Strings
18. Synth Brass
19. Synth Bass
20. Distortion guitar
21. Rock Organ
22. Dance piano
23. High Tom
24. Low Tom
25. Crash Cymbal
26. DancedrumKit OpenHiHat
27. DancedrumKit ClosedHiHat
28. Clap
29. Snare Rim
30. Dancedrum KitSnare
31. Dancedrum KitKick
32. Button-Clear1
33. Button-Tsudumi
35. Electricity
36. Wipe-up
37. Broken piece
38. Warp jump
39. Banjos-phrase
40. Scratch
41. Distortion guitar-phrase
42. Rock Organ-phrase
43. Dance piano-phrase
44. Car pass-synth
45. Count up
46. REC Noise
47. Synth Tom
48. Synth conga
49. Metronome normal
50. Metronome accent
51. Conga
52. Dancedrum KitKick2
53. Dancedrum KitSnare2
54. DancedrumKit OpenHiHat2
55. Orchestra Hit1
56. Timbals
57. China Cymbal
58. Chappa Cymbal
59. Shaker
60. Bell tree
61. Wadaiko
62. Synth Hit
63. Cuckoo 'Dove
64. Puff-Puff horn
65. Shinobue
66. Voicepercussion BOON
67. Voicepercussion Ah
68. Dog
69. Cat
70. Girl's Voice-OK
71. Girl's Voice-Yattane!
72. Girl's Voice-Omedetou!
73. Girl's Voice-ByeBye
74. Girl's Voice-Iyan
75. Girl's Voice-Kya!
76. Girl's Voice-Uwaaan
77. Girl's Voice-WAO!
78. Girl's Voice-Yahho
79. Waterdrop
80. Flame
81. Whip
82. Rock break
83. Raven
84. Gull
85. Stream
86. Baseball-Hit
87. Baseball-Catch
88. Audience-Dejection
89. Audience-Cheer
90. Applause
91. Badminton-Smash
92. Soccer-Shoot
93. Fan noise light
94. Fan noise heavy
95. Dig
96. Whistle-short
97. Whistle-long
98. Frog
99. Door
100. Ignition
101. Steam
102. Faint away
103. Slash
104. Flap
105. Funny Bomb
106. Button-Clear2
107. Up&Down
108. Large explosion
109. Dance synth-phrase
110. Mini Drill
111. Drill spin
112. Finger Snap
113. Result Jingle-Synth
114. Result Jingle-Gothic
115. Vanish
116. Button-start
117. Button-usually2
118. Item get-power up
119. Item get-status up
120. Cannon-synth
121. Alert
122. wabblebass-down
123. wabblebass-up
124. Machine crash
125. Burner boost
126. Robot-moving
127. Robot-shining eyes
128. Robot-wakeup
129. Vocorder-a
130. Vocorder-i
131. Vocorder-u
132. Vocorder-e
133. Vocorder-o
System Guides
Is there a way that I can download all of these together as a ZIP instead of each separately?
Replying to:
Is there a way that I can download all of these together as a ZIP instead of each separately?