Might make SBS readonly: thread

Lemonade Stand

Root / Submissions / [.]

Simon-like game repeat random patterns of buttons to improve score

Cute sprites.

Replying to:Amoura
Cute sprites.
I was gonna say the same thing!

Thanks for checking it out. =) Longer term goal is to create a series of mini games themed around the lemonade stand (think warioware). The sprites were created using th_editor

Can I just point out that this should be a meme?

In case anyone wants to see the spritesheet without downloading the game, here it is.

Replying to:MasterR3C0RD
In case anyone wants to see the spritesheet without downloading the game, here it is.
Why is it .GRP when it's a PNG (or something)?

Replying to:MasterR3C0RD
In case anyone wants to see the spritesheet without downloading the game, here it is.
I... don't actually know. I had it named .GRP.PNG, maybe it's a bug? It still displays properly, so whatever

Replying to:MasterR3C0RD
In case anyone wants to see the spritesheet without downloading the game, here it is.
Ah wow, yeah that's probably a bug with the uploader. Thanks for pointing that out, and thanks for the image.