Might make SBS readonly: thread

Just A Couple Buttons (SB3) v0.1.5

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Just A Couple Buttons (SB3) | 2022 Ashanide



This program was meant for me to practice with things I've relearned to get back in touch with my previous SB3 knowledge Fun to make, fun to play kinda yk, depends if you like clickers Also you can save & collect trophies (cool) Working on a shop and autoclicker upgrades for v2


v0.1.5 - Convenience Update - Reworked leveling system (still an if else chain #lazy) - Up to 11 levels added - Added reactiveness to various things - Added an "Until Next Level:" counter - Added more color to text - Created more sprites for shopping & saving, as well as edited the trophy sprites - I swear I'll do the shop eventually Saves can no longer be transferred without injuring the game v0.1.1 - Shop Patch - Fixed the shop not saving to save data when unlocked, save data still transferrable but the shop will not work if you are 500 points or above - Not the shop release (sorry) v0.1.0 - Release - Added Trophies, Shop (Closed & Unfinished), BGM, and more Levels (Up to 8!) - Changed name to "Just A Couple Buttons" because now every button does something (oops) v0.0.7 - Base - Base Skeleton of the Game



A - Click Y - Save X - Shop (When Unlocked) B - BGM Toggle


Saves can no longer be transferred without injuring the game experience

And yes I am aware of the Until Next Level counter's weird numbering system Just go with it for now sobs This one probably took the longest, but the shop release is still taunting me HJSHDKFH Anyway, this one was fun to work with and improve, mainly because I realized how bland it was I hope one day somebody actually tries it lmao

Finished What I Wanted To Do (cool) The Shop Will Probably Happen
SpoilerWhich Btw The Shop Is Unlocked At 500 Points

Oops Ok Updated Patch The Shop Wasn't Added To Save Data #oopsies #cute

Yayy The Biggest Update Yet Very Cool Fun We