Might make SBS readonly: thread

Jappon - Version Alpha 2

Root / Submissions / [.]

Jappon, a sandbox game that supports both multiplayer and singleplayer. Currently a WIP. Funner multiplayer though ;)


A = Place block Up/Down = Change layer Left/Right = Change block Circle pad = Move Y = Does stuff X = Replace block with value 0 B = RIP, B was forgotten

Maybe you should add more screenshots so people can see more of what this game is like.

Replying to:Guzzler
Maybe you should add more screenshots so people can see more of what this game is like.
meby, but not right now :p

Interesting, I downloaded and played this, but...I'm not sure what I am suppose to be doing lol.

Replying to:Morgan
Interesting, I downloaded and played this, but...I'm not sure what I am suppose to be doing lol.

Is this canceled?

I'll maybe revive this, but it will not be worked on often

It seems like a LOT of Sandbox games are being removed