Hello, site operator here.
There's not much happening on SBS these days, and that's OK; people move on, etc. But I still have to host the website, of course.
Nearly every single new account request is a bot. Honestly, it's getting tiresome to get 3-4 requests every day for a new account.
Beyond that, the website is made significantly more complex, requiring vastly more resources and attention, to still allow new content/edits/etc.
Because of the extremely low usage these days (the first page of activity goes back 8 MONTHS), I would like to make the site readonly soon. I don't know when, maybe sometime early next year. This will remove most of my maintenance requirements for this website, and also remove the reliance on a very large, cumbersome service that is taking up resources on the server and costing additional money in the form of "need a bigger server to host".
I know that there's still some activity here in the form of documentation edits, etc. I feel bad removing that ability, so I wanted to hear some feedback before I go through with this. Again, this is only going to make the website readonly; all the content will still be available.
I'm very tired. I don't want to deal with the web anymore; dealing with companies and costs and people trying to break in all the time and just bad people in general doing bad things. Making the website readonly is the first step to removing my reliance on all this stuff and reducing my stress. I greatly appreciate all the lovely people and interactions on this website throughout the years, and I don't want to just remove all that. But nobody's really using the website anymore. We've had the new version for over 1 and a half years, and we had a mini-revival for a bit, but I think it's time to let it go.
I'm considering sunsetting SBS and making it readonly
Root / Site Discussion / [.]
Hey there, thanks for letting us know what's going on. I totally get where you're coming from with making the site read-only. As someone who still pops in now and then, I really appreciate having had this place to grab content and share my little program.
Man, it must be a real pain dealing with all those bot accounts every day. I can see why you're tired of it. And yeah, keeping everything running smoothly for just a handful of active users probably feels like overkill at this point.
I think you don't have to deal with the web anymore if you don't want to. I remember y'all had the new SmileBasicSource running and y'all were going back and forth with which site y'all want to run (and which site is easier to manage). I would go for leaving the site as read only for as long as y'all want to
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I would like to finish the documentation, but I have been pretty inconsistent with it.
I'm not sure how I would feel about it being read-only, yet. But the motivation to do so makes sense to me so I would accept it anyways.
Ah I can wait until you're done. Alternatively, I can supply a backdoor of sorts for select trusted users to modify existing content if you still want to make contributions into the future.
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Ah I can wait until you're done. Alternatively, I can supply a backdoor of sorts for select trusted users to modify existing content if you still want to make contributions into the future.
Modifying existing content would work for me. Being able to adjust existing posts for submitted projects is likely all I would need.
A bit sad to hear. I know I'm a newer member, but the site's been super useful for my SmileBASIC projects. Though because of my ADHD, those are several WIPs. 😅
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Modifying existing content would work for me. Being able to adjust existing posts for submitted projects is likely all I would need.
Ah see, it's a lot harder to leave general edits open. Doing just documentation is one thing. I'll have to see; maybe I'll just disable some features for now but leave the rest open so people can finish up whatever they were doing.
Thank you all for the input (and don't worry Amoura, you're fine). If there's things you want to finish up before it happens, please feel free to. I'll move the date for actual readonly mode a bit more into the future, and just start stripping some features.
These are the features I'm planning on removing in the coming weeks, in order:
Site registrationThis is complete: there is no more registration - Image uploads
Up/downvotes (the ability to create them)This is complete; votes will still show but you can no longer change or add them - User modifications
Been having a lot of fun working on my current project, hoping I can finish in time to share here.
It’s sad to finally see this site go.
I haven’t been here for a while, and it makes me sad to see that the community has become more quite. I guess life keeps going? In either case, I appreciate all of you and the contributions you’ve made. It was really nice being able to come here as I was learning to code, and to get help with a variety of random things. Thank you.
I've removed upvotes/downvotes. I know it might be frustrating but I have to trim down the codebase to the point where I can finally rewrite large portions of it to not connect to the secondary service (the whole point of all this).
I plan on doing more large-scale removals this weekend. I'm sorry if you all wanted to finish things up. I next plan on removing image uploads, which I know will defeat the purpose of creating new pages. I'll probably remove some other user-related features.
All right, it's just easier if I go ahead and work on the full readonly effort at this point. No need to do this in chunks. The website will stay usable as-is until I fully finish the readonly effort. IDK how long that will take, but I'll just push the change one day. Thank you everyone for using SBS.
Cherish your memories of this place.
Thank you, haloopdy.