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How to Download and Use the SmileBASIC 4 demo

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Did you know that you can try SmileBASIC 4 right now without spending money? There's a demo available on the Japanese eShop, and it's pretty easy to download: 1. Have a Japanese account - good tutorial on how to get one (use an email address that you'll always have access to!) 2. In the eShop, search for SmileBASIC. 3. Click the first result. 4. Click the slightly smaller button underneath the larger button. (unsure of what to click? Google Translate has a great photo mode that lets you translate text from an image. I use it all the time to read SmileBASIC documentation.) 5. It should download! I'm not sure if there's any confirmation screens after this, but it shouldn't ask you for any money. 6. Once downloaded, click the left button on this dialog. The right button will take you to the eShop, and you don't really want that! Do note that there are several limitations in place, because what's the point of buying SmileBASIC if you can do everything in the demo?
  • You cannot normally save a program. There are a few ways around this, and I've heard some people even made a SmileTool to SAVE and LOAD files just as quickly as the editor.
  • You cannot create projects, and you cannot change projects. Projects, of course, referring to SmileBASIC's folder structure. You can only save programs in the [DEFAULT] folder, and you can't switch to anyone else's project and check the source code... unless you try very hard.
  • You can only download 1 project every 8 hours. This is a limit that is also present in the full version of SmileBASIC, but only if you don't have a server ticket. (Don't worry, the server ticket is included in a bundle for a reduced cost!)
  • You can only save 32MB's worth of projects. This is very small, as the default for a normal installation of SmileBASIC is 64MB iirc. You'll run out of space quickly, so don't be afraid to delete a few projects every once in a while.
Alright, you can now use the SmileBASIC 4 demo! Here's a resource for learning what has changed since SmileBASIC 3, and here's a forum thread where you can discuss SmileBASIC 4. Also, here's a video tour of SmileBASIC 4.

Body acid version? Not sure I want to use THAT.

Replying to:RGamesOffical
Body acid version? Not sure I want to use THAT.
* I already basically made that joke several months ago

Haven't really been keeping up with anything SmileBasic related for a while. I'm assuming there's still no word about a (Western) localization?

Oh nice will be getting this today didn't know this existed thanks.

Replying to:Gale_Storm
Haven't really been keeping up with anything SmileBasic related for a while. I'm assuming there's still no word about a (Western) localization?
They're saying "soonโ„ข", so hopefully some news in the next few months.

Body Acid Version? What's the difference?

Replying to:photonegativemickey
Body Acid Version? What's the difference?
I like that joke about the "body acid" thing. That joke is like Engrish, but the translation of the demo info is neat for the most part. ๐Ÿ˜€

oh yeah -- i heard that the smilebasic 4 demo got updated relatively recently to the latest version of smilebasic! edit: aaugh i can't go back to using BBCode ever again