Arrays are like mini-files in your program which can be saved and loaded even after you end the program.
Let me try to write an example from memory:
DIM TEST[3] 'Creates a list for 3 variables. TEST[0]=1 'The list starts at 0. This is the first item on our list. TEST [1]=10 'Second item. TEST[2]=10 'The third item on the list. Now let's put it to use. IF CHKFILE("DAT:TEST")==TRUE THEN LOAD "DAT:TEST",TEST 'This checks for the data file named "test." The first part, DAT, is a type of file. 'The second part is the name of the file. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it's what you saved it as. 'The third part is where this data is applied, I think, since our list is labelled as TEST. 'Now let's use the arrays for something. BEEP TEST[0] 'TEST[0] is 1, so it will play the 1st BEEP sound. LOCATE TEST[1],TEST[2]:?"Hello, world!" 'This will print the phrase on beginning at X 10 and Y 10.Hope this suffices. You can also use DIM (name)$[#] which can be used to store strings, so you can write down dialogue and use the coding above to print it. *By the way, to SAVE arrays, use SAVE "filetype:name",arrayname. Files that will hold, say, the player's name or string arrays, should be saved as TXT instead of DAT.