How do I make a hex file dumper?
Root / Programming Questions / [.]
How would I code this?
DAT files
I had the exact same question as you a while back, and someone gave me this script:
S$="" FOR I=0 TO LEN(ARR)-1 B0=ARR[I] AND &HFF B1=ARR[I]>>8 AND &HFF B2=ARR[I]>>16 AND &HFF B3=ARR[I]>>24 AND &HFF INC S$,CHR$(B0)+CHR$(B1)+CHR$(B2)+CHR$(B3) NEXTThis will take a 1D array (in this case, the one you loaded from the DAT file) and convert its bytes into ASCII characters in a string. What project are you working on? This script can probably be modified to better fit it.