What have you tried so far
how can i make maps for celeste classic 3DS
tried loading the map
like making a new program and just loading it in the map editor.
Ok, let's quit horsing around. When you ask a question, it is polite to let people know what you want, the first post should not just be a singe question mark that implies you need to read the thread title. You should:
- State what you want. Something like: Hi, I would like to make some custom levels for the SmileBasic port of Celeste.
- Since this is about a specific program give us the key or a link to a page with the key. Is it: 5VXN8AE from http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=161, or perhaps N5VEX334 from http://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1386. We don't know, so clarify it.
- State what you have attempted so far. This should include enough information about the problem so that others can reproduce it. This means include any error messages. Something like: "I tried loading the file MAP in the smile basic map editor tool and it gives me an error that says DAT:MAP_MAP not found. I have not yet looked at the code."
- CELESTE - Program
- FONT - A font I am guessing.
- GFF - Game flags I believe
- GFX - Graphics
- MAP - Map
- PAL - Pallette (colors in PICO-8 are palette based, so you need the colors to map to the values 0-15 in the code)
- SFX - Sound effects.
DEF TILE_CHUNK START% VAR BG_LAYER = 0 VAR BG_W_ALL = 128 VAR BG_W = 16 VAR BG_H = 16 VAR TILES_PER_INT = 4 VAR I, J, K, OFFSET%, TILE_ID%, TILE% VAR MAPS_PER_ROW = BG_W_ALL / BG_W VAR BEGIN BEGIN = START% OFFSET% = 0 WHILE BEGIN >= MAPS_PER_ROW INC OFFSET%, (BG_W_ALL / TILES_PER_INT) * BG_H DEC BEGIN, MAPS_PER_ROW WEND INC OFFSET%, BEGIN * BG_W / TILES_PER_INT BGSCREEN BG_LAYER, BG_W, BG_H FOR J = 0 TO BG_H - 1 FOR I = 0 TO (BG_W / TILES_PER_INT) - 1 TILE_ID% = MAP%[OFFSET% + I] FOR K = TILES_PER_INT - 1 TO 0 STEP - 1 TILE% = TILE_ID% AND &HFF 'Take the last 8 bits TILE_ID% = TILE_ID% >> 8 'Move the remainder over 8 spaces BG_PUT BG_LAYER, (I * TILES_PER_INT) + K, J, TILE% NEXT K NEXT I INC OFFSET%, BG_W_ALL / TILES_PER_INT NEXT J BGOFS 0, 0, 8 ENDIf you use that you will notice that we can scroll around all 32 screens. The last screen is actually the title screen. I found that to be pretty slick. Some things will look odd, the player doesn't have their glorious mane of hair, the clouds are somewhat truncated, things like that. It looks like the code generates a cloud sprite when we put down the top corner instead of plotting a tile. Likewise it seems the hair is several extra sprites and that instead of plotting the character when found it sets the player start position. You will need those flags to give behavior to things like balloons and treasure chests. So back to the original question, how do you edit this? The best thing is to make an editor program (by the way backup the original files first). Another option would be save the files as proper SmileBasic native files and edit the code to load those instead. A third option would be to make a text format file and add code to load from that instead. Or in short you will have to code something and likely change the program to accommodate the new files. If you just want to level hack, you could just load the map/flag arrays in code change the values in the array and re-save them. Sorry if the first part sounded mean, I didn't mean it that way. Also sorry for the accidental post half way through editing.
oh thank you