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How can i get a letter to move left/right/up/down when i press corresponding button button

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I just want to know in case i decide to make a puzzle game or something that uses buttons to move ascii text. Please and Thank You!:3

Something like @LOOP B=BUTTON(1) IF B AND 1 THEN INC Y,-1 IF B AND 2 THEN INC Y,1 IF B AND 4 THEN INC X,-1 IF B AND 8 THEN INC X,1 CLS LOCATE X,Y PRINT "O" VSYNC 1 GOTO @LOOP Should do it. INC is a new function that I think looks better than X=X+1, but it's the same thing.

Whats the functional difference between INC and X+1?

INC adds 1 to whatever variable you type, so INC V would add 1 to V. if you add a number or variable after that you make it adds a different number to it INC V,50 '(0+50, V is now 50) INC V,36 '(50+36, V is now 86) INC V,V '(86+86, V is now 172) Before the only way to do this was V=V+50 V=V+36 Same thing but a little fancier. If you want to do multiplication or something more complicated than addition you still have to set it up like V=V*67 There's also DEC, which is the same thing except subtraction.

What does the VSYNC do? I read the description of it in the Instruction List, but I don't understand what is meant by frames being "vertically synchronized." (I'm used to timing things in frames, but I'm a noob at graphics.) Other than that, I gather that in your example it would make sure a minimum of time has passed since the last pass through the loop. Is that the gist of it?

I'm not pretty sure but if I'm correct, VSYNC waits for n frames to pass. WAIT waits a n/60th of a second. Ever wondered that your image sometimes flickers with VSYNC but not WAIT? If something, for example a graphical clock took 0.75 frames to draw everything on the screen, then VSYNC 1 would wait 0.15 frames, but WAIT always delays n/60 seconds. Again, I'm not sure this is the case.