I wanted to post something about HS3D(which ironically is the 3rd version I've made), soooo...
(it can process 1000 objects @30fps)
Now uses P3D by Bugtaro
Hell, if I wanted to, I could make it have 10000 objects and still have an FPS greater than 5!
Obviously this would not be good, so this version will have 750 objects for optimal performance.
Honestly, that's hella lot SANIC SPEDSS, considering each object has 4,9, or 10 tris, making it sooooooo fast
It works so fast because of ~ 5 levels of culling including:
checking if an object is in your POV
if it is within a certain distance from you
screen culling
backface culling(part of P3D)
skipping null objects(there are a few objects that don't even need to be bothered because they are literally objects with 0 tris) Using probability, about 250 should be blank objects out of 1000 objects.
Homo Sapeins 3D official development thread
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