Flutter Birds
Root / Submissions / [.]
Flappy Bird in SmileBASIC! 69 playable characters, 3 game modes, and even a few easter eggs. This game is quite a bit different from the original Flappy Bird, mainly because you can now move left and right. The 3 modes are as follows:
Normal mode: Basically classic Flappy Bird, but it will be very difficult if you try to play without moving left and right.
Speed mode: Every time your score increases, the speed gets slightly faster. How fast can you react?
Dodge mode: Try to maneuver around many new kinds of pipes, including giant pipes and crusher pipes!
Each mode has a separate high score that is saved automatically.
Have fun!
UPDATE 1.1: Added the ability to use the touchscreen to flap and start the game, and fixed a few problems with the font.
UPDATE 1.2: Changed pipe sprites because it got rejected by SmileBoom (I'm assuming that's the reason, it could also be the name I guess).
UPDATE 1.3: Changed name of game to Flutter Birds because it got rejected again.
Thanks. All the bird sprites are from Th. [4DXEAED3]. The sky was made using this GGRADIENT script by Coleslaw Productions. The font came with Petit Font Editor by Hosiken [ZDVXVENV]. The pipes were drawn by me, but are basically from Super Mario World. Everything else was built-in default sprites. Sorry if you didn't need to know all this, just figured I would give proper credit lol.
Nah, it's good to give credit. I thought the birds looked familiar; I didn't know about the fonts though. Still, you put them all together very nicely.
What happens on November 8th?
That's when Miiverse shuts down, but I'm not sure why he's talking about it here lol.
Yeah it got rejected for some reason. Probably the Super Mario World pipes lol. I guess I'll update the pipe sprites and try again.
Chances are, it's just the fact that it's flappy birds (which already exists). SmileBOOM is really careful.
Yeah I could understand if it got rejected because of the name, all I did was add an "s" to the end lol. If it get's rejected again I'll just rename it I guess. If it got rejected because of the game mechanics that's pretty lame.
Ha, yeah that's too bad. Thanks, hopefully I'll DL before that happens this time.
Lol 69 Playable Characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In all seriousness, this is an awesome game! It's a new take on the original Flappy Bird (which is ultra-hard), and it's very creative too (especially with the bird designs)! This is much more fun than playing the original Flappy Bird, and it's also a nice, better alternative since you can't play the original unless you're playing on Android due to iOS 11.