
Factory RPG

Root / Submissions / [.]

Create Maps and play them with tactical rpg mechanics. Changelog:
Spoiler -V0.1.4
  • Added "dumb" AI. It moves randomly and attack to a random enemy on the attack range.
  • The name of the map is now displayed on the editor.
  • The maps made with the previous version are uncompatibles because the tiles are identified with an incremental id instead of the tile hexadecimal.
  • Added collision with the overlay layer. Now the entities won't pass over the mountains and other objects.
  • Bugfix: Fixed crash when the user attack
  • Initial release


The game is open with the file ".EXEC". "Edit" let you create maps. "Play" let you play the map "Factory.Map". The game can be controlled with the buttons or the stylus.

If this is intended for the contest, you may have missed adding the "Programming Contest" category.

Replying to:Yolkai
If this is intended for the contest, you may have missed adding the "Programming Contest" category.
Thanks lumage, I forgot to add that category.

Every time I select Attack the game freezes. This wouldn't happen to be an old 3DS problem? "Illegal function call in 3:5531"

Replying to:Giant_Gamer
Every time I select Attack the game freezes. This wouldn't happen to be an old 3DS problem? "Illegal function call in 3:5531"
I get that on new 3ds as well...

Replying to:Giant_Gamer
Every time I select Attack the game freezes. This wouldn't happen to be an old 3DS problem? "Illegal function call in 3:5531"
The command call on 3:5531 is missing an argument, so this will happen for everyone... *fingers crossed it's not a compiler error*

Replying to:Giant_Gamer
Every time I select Attack the game freezes. This wouldn't happen to be an old 3DS problem? "Illegal function call in 3:5531"
Well, that was my mistake. I compiled the version where i'm working on the AI instead of the stable version D=. @kldck_hul: the line that give the problem before compiling was this:
 'Here is a syntax error.
AREACELL_renderCell RX,RY&HFF7777
However, after the compilation the line become:

Replying to:Giant_Gamer
Every time I select Attack the game freezes. This wouldn't happen to be an old 3DS problem? "Illegal function call in 3:5531"
Idk if you saw, but the voting has been delayed, so if you want to fix that and compile the proper version you are more than welcome to.

I look forward to this as a finished product. I know it's a niche upon a niche, but multiplayer would be sweet to battle friends. Choose your team and see who comes out on top.

Replying to:Lacks
I look forward to this as a finished product. I know it's a niche upon a niche, but multiplayer would be sweet to battle friends. Choose your team and see who comes out on top.
I don't know if I will be able to do that because I don't have another 3ds to test and my friends doesn't have smilebasic D=. Anyway, If the Wireless functions are reliable(No loss of data between messages), then I think I can send command from one 3ds to other(Example: move unit x, attack unit x, do this magic on unit x, end turn,etc).

I canโ€™t wait for this to finally be fixed