
Elaysia Ultimate Update/Poll

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

Yo. i'm working on my favorite project right now. I'm releasing and update soon. :) Thanks for being patient. Sense the FULL map is done. It comes to about 40 places, 28 of those being places with interaction already complete what should be the place of focus next? [poll=p331][/poll] (Most places will be done. Just want to squeeze in one more before Version 2.)

Ohhh and a quick thank you to Ms.Mowz7 for working on some music for me. Can't spoil which music.

Thanks, I'm coming up with my own program, but it's taking an eternity. Im so happy you let me do this song. It was fun.

Thanks, I'm coming up with my own program, but it's taking an eternity. Im so happy you let me do this song. It was fun.
I'm glad you had fun. Its gonna fit the game great :)