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Save the contents of a program slot to a TXT file.
* Syntax
SAVE file$ {, slot% }
|* Input | Description |
| `file$` | The name of the file to save. |
| `slot%` | The program slot to save (optional; default 0.) |
The `file$` parameter may optionally start with `TXT:`; e.g. `"TXT:FOO"` and `"FOO"` refer to the same file.
A destination project can be specified, e.g. `"BAR/FOO"` will save `TXT:FOO` in project `BAR/`. Otherwise, the file will be saved in the active project. However, only subprograms and UI programs have permission to save outside the active project.
* Examples
'save slot 0 to TXT:FOO
'save slot 0 to TXT:FOO in BAR/
'only works in sub and UI!
* Notes
** Backup File
If `SAVE` overwrites an existing file, the previous contents are copied to `TXT:@BACKUP.PRG` in the destination project. If the backup file already exists, it is overwritten without being copied.
`SAVE` sets `RESULT` to 1 if the file is written successfully, 0 if the function fails for any reason, and -1 if the save is cancelled.
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