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Search for an occurrence of a substring within a string.
* Syntax
INSTR { startIndex% }, string$, substring$ OUT index%
|* Input | Description |
| `startIndex%` | The index within `string$` to start searching from. Optional, default 0. |
| `string$` | The string to search within. |
| `substring$` | The substring to search for. |
|* Output | Description |
| `index%` | The index of the substring found within `string$`. -1 if no occurrence is found |
`INSTR` will return only the index of the first occurrence of `substring$` it finds, starting from the `startIndex%`. If `starIndex%` is omitted, then the search starts from the beginning of `string$` (index 0). If `substring$` is not found, then `index%` will be -1.
* Examples
'find the letter 'a' within this string.
PRINT INSTR("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.","a") '36
'find the first "chuck" starting at character 40
CONST #CHUCK="How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
INSTR 40,#CHUCK,"chuck" OUT I%
PRINT I% '47
'this match will fail
PRINT INSTR("######","!") '-1
* Notes
** Empty Substring
If `substring$` is empty, /every/ index in any `string$` will match it.
'these all match
PRINT INSTR("Hello, world!","") '0
PRINT INSTR(3,"Hello, world!","") '3
PRINT INSTR(7,"Hello, world!","") '7
An interesting quirk of this is that the empty string will match at one index past the end of the string.
'3 is one past the end of the string
PRINT INSTR(3,"ABC","") '3
PRINT INSTR(4,"ABC","") '-1
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