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Draw text to a graphics page
* Syntax
GPUTCHR x%, y%, text [,font% [,color% [,drawingMethod%]]]
GPUTCHR x%, y%, text, font%, scaleX%, scaleY%, color% [,drawingMethod%]
|* Argument | Description |
| `x%`, `y%` |Position to draw at (upper left corner of text)|
| `text` |The text to draw. Can be a string or a character code |
| `font%` | The font to use (8 or 16); defaults to 16 |
| `color%` | Text color; defaults to `GCOLOR()` |
| `scaleX%`, `scaleY%` | Text scale. (Must be an integer); defaults to 1,1 |
| `drawingMethod%` | See <some page we haven't written yet> |
* Examples
GPUTCHR 10,10, "Hello!",16, 5,5, #C_RED 'Draw "Hello" in big red letters
* See Also
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