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Set the value of a sprite variable.
# Syntax
SPSETV id, var_id, value
|`id`|Sprite ID|
|`var_id`|Variable ID to set (0-7)|
|`value`|The value to store to the variable|
Stores to sprite `id`'s variable `var_id` the value of `value`. The sprite variables are specific to each sprite, so two sprites with different IDs have different sets of sprite variables. Variables stored can be read using `SPGETV`.
# Examples
' Create a boy sprite
SPSET 0,64,2,0,0,0
' Store the HP (100) of the character as sprite variable 0
# Notes
`id` and `var_id` are rounded down. `value` can be any number.
Sprite variables are all reset to zero when a sprite is cleared with `SPCLR`.
# Errors
|`id` does not correspond to an active sprite|Illegal function call|
|`id` is less than zero or greater than 99|Out of range|
|`var_id` is less than zero or greater than seven|Out of range|
|A string is passed for any argument|Type Mismatch|
|A positive number of arguments not equal to three are passed|Missing operand|
|No arguments are passed|Syntax error|
# See Also
- sbs:docs/ptc-sprite[Sprite overview]
- sbs:docs/ptc-spgetv{`SPGETV`}
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