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Change the position of a sprite.
# Syntax
SPOFS id, x, y {, time}
|`id`|ID of sprite to move|
|`x`|New x-coordinate|
|`y`|New y-coordinate|
|`time`|Optional interpolation time in frames, zero if not specified|
Moves the sprite referenced by `id` to the specified `x`,`y` coordinates. If time is nonzero, the sprite moves smoothly from the current position to the new position `x`,`y` over `time` frames.
# Examples
'Create sprite (right arrow)
SPSET 0,0,0,0,0,0
'Move sprite to center of screen
SPOFS 0,112,88
'Create sprite (right arrow)
SPSET 0,0,0,0,0,0
'Move sprite to lower right corner over two seconds
SPOFS 0,240,176,120
# Notes
All arguments are rounded down.
The range of `x` and `y` positions is limited to a signed 16 bit number, with range [-32768,32767]. Values outside of this range will be limited to this range.
'Create sprite (down arrow)
SPSET 0,1,0,0,0,0
'"Move" sprite to upper left corner
SPOFS 0,65536,-65536
'Get and print stored coordinates
'Prints "0 0"
If a sprite is being moved over time and the movement is interrupted by another interpolated `SPOFS`, the start position is the currently interpolated position.
'Create sprite (up arrow)
SPSET 0,3,0,0,0,0
'Move to lower right corner over two seconds
SPOFS 0,240,176,120
'Interrupt after one second
'Move to upper right corner instead
SPOFS 0,240,0,120
# Errors
|Less than three arguments are specified|Missing operand|
|More than four arguments are specified|Syntax error|
|`id` is less than zero or greater than 99|Out of range|
|The sprite `id` does not exist|Illegal function call|
|A value less than zero is passed for `time`|Out of range|
|A string is passed in place of any argument|Type Mismatch|
# See Also
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-sprite[Sprite overview]
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-sphome{`SPHOME`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-spread{`SPREAD`}
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