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Operator overview

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Operators are symbols that perform various arithmetic, bitwise, or comparison operations. These provide the ability to assign variables, do basic math, and compare numbers and strings. Each operator has a precedence or priority over other operators. The order of operations is determined by this order, so that each expression can only be evaluated one way. For example, `3+5*6` will evaluate to 33, because multiplication happens before addition. If two operators have the same precedence, then they are evaluated left-to-right. For example, `3*4%5` evaluates to 2, because first `3*4` is calculated to be `12` and then `12%5` is evaluated to be 2. # Operator Table The following table lists operators in groups by their order of operation. Within each block, operators are the same priority, and are evaluated from left to right. |Operator|Example|Effect|[#] |`()`|`(3+5)*6` -> 48| Used to perform lower-precedence operations before higher-precedence ones. | |`()`|`A(5)` -> 0| Used to access an array element. | |`[]`|`A[5]` -> 0| Used to access an array element. | |---| |Func.|`ABS(-5)` -> 5| Calls a function and returns the result. The number of arguments for a function can vary. See sbs:page/docs-ptc-function{Function overview}.| |---| |`-`|`- 5` -> -5| Negates a value. | |`!`|`!TRUE` -> 0 (FALSE)| Logical inversion - converts truthy (nonzero) values to 0 (FALSE) and falsy (zero) values to 1 (TRUE). | |`NOT`|`NOT &H13579` -> -79226 (&HECA86)| Bitwise inversion - converts each 1 bit to a 0 bit and each 0 bit to a 1 bit. | |---| |`*`|`"A"*5` -> "AAAAA"| Repeats the string some number of times.| |`*`|`3*5` -> 15| Multiplies two numbers together.| |`/`|`3/5` -> 0.6| Divides the first number by the second. Division by zero will cause an error. | |`%`|`5%3` -> 2| Calculates the remainder of the first number divided by the second number. Dividing by zero will cause an error.| |---| |`+`|`5+3` -> 8| Adds two numbers. | |`+`|`"A"+"B"` -> "AB" | Concatenates two strings. | |`-`|`5-3` -> 2| Subtracts the second number from the first number. | |---| |`==`|`1==1` -> 1 (TRUE)| Evaluates to TRUE if two numbers are equal, and FALSE if they are not equal. | |`==`|`"A"=="B"` -> 0 (FALSE)| Evaluates to TRUE if two strings are the same, and FALSE if they are different. | |`!=`|`1!=1` -> 0 (FALSE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the two numbers are different, and FALSE if they are equal.| |`!=`|`"A"!="B"` -> 1 (TRUE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the two strings are different, and FALSE if they are equal. | |`<=`|`3<=3` -> 1 (TRUE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the first is less than or equal to the second, otherwise FALSE. | |`>=`|`3>=5` -> 0 (FALSE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the first is greater than or equal to the second, otherwise FALSE. | |`<`|`3<5` -> 1 (TRUE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the first number is less than the second number, otherwise FALSE. | |`>`|`3>5` -> 0 (FALSE)| Evaluates to TRUE if the first number is greater than the second number, otherwise FALSE. | |---| |`AND`|`25 AND 42` -> 8| Calculates a bitwise AND of two integers. Removes fractional component of result. | |`OR`|`25 OR 42` -> 59| Calculates a bitwise OR of two integers. Removes fractional component of result. | |`XOR`|`25 XOR 42` -> 51| Calculates a bitwise XOR of two integers. Removes fractional component of result. | |---| |`=`|`A=3`| Assigns values to variables. Can assign both numbers and strings.| |---| # Errors If the result of a numeric operation exceeds the range of [-524287.999994, 524287.999994], the operation will cause an `Overflow` error. If the result of a string operation causes the string to exceed the maximum length of 256 characters, the operation will cause a `String too long` error. If a string operation is performed and the program does not have any remaining string memory available for the result, an `Out of memory` error will occur.

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