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Put a pixel on the graphics draw page.
# Syntax
GPSET x, y {, color}
| Input | Description |[#]
|`x`|X-coordinate of the pixel.|
|`y`|Y-coordinate of the pixel.|
|`color`|Color index of the pixel.|
Places a pixel at the specified coordinates on the graphics draw page. If the color of the pixel is unspecified the current graphics draw color as set by sbs:page/docs-ptc-gcolor{`GCOLOR`} is used.
# Examples
'Place a red pixel near the center of the screen.
GPSET 128,96,2
'Place a blue pixel near the center of the screen.
GPSET 128,96
# Notes
All arguments are rounded down.
If coordinates are specified outside of the normal range, no error occurs.
'Attempts to write a pixel off the edge of the screen.
'No error will occur, but no pixel can be seen.
GPSET 300,200,5
# Errors
| Action | Error|[#]
| Less than two arguments are specified | Missing operand |
| More than three arguments are specified | Syntax error |
| A value less than zero or greater than 255 is passed for `color` | Out of range |
| A string is passed for any argument | Type Mismatch |
# See Also
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-graphics{Graphics overview}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gpage{`GPAGE`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gcls{`GCLS`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gcolor{`GCOLOR`}
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