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Draw a line between two points.
# Syntax
GLINE x1, y1, x2, y2 {, color}
| Input | Description |[#]
|`x1`| First point x-coordinate|
|`y1`| First point y-coordinate|
|`x2`| Second point x-coordinate|
|`y2`| Second point y-coordinate|
|`color`| Color of line|
Draws a line of pixels between the two given points on the currently selected graphics page, using the specified `color`.
If `color` is omitted, uses the current graphics draw color as set by `GCOLOR`.
# Examples
' Draw a red line from the upper left corner to the bottom right.
GLINE 0,0,255,191,2
' Draw a blue line from the lower left corner to the upper right.
GLINE 0,191,255,0
# Notes
All arguments are rounded down.
Coordinates specified off of the edge of the screen are valid. Only the portion of the line visible on screen is drawn - no errors occur.
' Draw a yellow line through the middle of the screen, with coordinates starting off the edges of the screen.
GLINE -50,96,300,96,12
# Errors
| Action | Error|[#]
| Less than three arguments are specified | Missing operand |
| More than six arguments are specified | Syntax error |
| A value less than 0 or greater than 255 was passed for `color` | Out of range |
| A string was passed for any argument | Type Mismatch |
# See Also
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-graphics{Graphics overview}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gpage{`GPAGE`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gcolor{`GCOLOR`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-gcls{`GCLS`}
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