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Read a character from the console.
* Syntax
code = CHKCHR(x, y)
|*Input | Description |
|`x`| X coordinate to read from. |
|`y`| Y coordinate to read from. |
|*Output | Description |
|`code`| Character code read from console. |
Reads the character located at (x,y) and returns a character code in range of 0-255 from the console. If attempting to read from off the edge of the screen, the return value is -1 instead.
* Examples
' Set up characters to read
' will print 65
' will print 67
' will print 0
' will print -1
* Notes
All arguments are rounded down.
When the console has been cleared with `CLS`, the character code read from anywhere on screen will be 0.
`CHKCHR` does not correctly read characters that aren't in the usual character set - if characters outside the normal range are printed, they will still return codes in the 0-255 range, but offset by 32 (0x20). For example, if using `CHKCHR` to read character 256 (character 0 of second character bank), the result would be 32.
`CHKCHR` has a strange bug in which exactly one string argument can be passed and treated as a number. The empty string is treated as -1; every other string is treated as 0.
' Equivalent to CHKCHR(0,-1)
' Causes an error
There is no `CHKCHR` equivalent for the lower screen console.
* Errors
|*Action | Error |
| One or zero arguments are passed | Syntax error |
| Three or more arguments are passed | Missing operand |
| Two string arguments are passed | Type Mismatch |
* See Also
- Console overview
- `CHR$`
- `ASC`
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