Root / Documentation / [.]

Read a tile from a background layer.
# Syntax
BGREAD(layer, x, y), chr, pal, h, v
BGREAD(layer, x, y), tile
BGREAD(layer, x, y), tile$
| Input | Description |[#]
|`layer`| Layer to write tile to. 0 is the foreground, 1 is the background. |
|`x`| x-coordinate of tile to write |
|`y`| y-coordinate of tile to write |
| Output | Description |[#]
|`chr`| Character id of tile |
|`pal`| Color palette of tile |
|`h`| Tile flipped horizontally |
|`v`| Tile flipped vertically |
|`tile`| Combined tile data as number |
|`tile$`| Combined tile data as hex string |
Reads a tile from the background layer and stores the tile data into one or more variables. The tile data can be read as components or as combined data - see \link[sbs/page:docs-ptc-background]{the overview} for more info.
# Examples
'Place tile
BGPUT 0,3,6,123,4,0,1
'Read tile data into component vars
'123 4 0 1
'Place tile
BGPUT 0,3,6,123,4,0,1
'Read combined tile data
'Place tile
BGPUT 0,3,6,123,4,0,1
'Read combined tile data
# Notes
All arguments are rounded down.
If `x` or `y` exceed the range of [0,63], only the lower six bits are used. This is equivalent to `x AND &H3F` and `y AND &H3F`.
'equivalent to BGREAD(0,63,1),TILE
You can specify the same output variable more than once - it will hold the last value stored.
'A will contain the 'pal' value of the tile at (X,Y)
'B will contain the 'v' value of the tile at (X,Y)
The output string `tile$` will always consist of four hex digits.
# Errors
|Two or less input arguments are specified|Syntax error|
|Four or more input arguments are specified|Missing operand|
|A string is specified for an input argument|Syntax error|
|A string is specified for an output argument|Type Mismatch|
|Zero, two, or three output arguments are specified|Missing operand|
|Five or more output arguments are specified|Missing operand|
|A value not 0 or 1 is passed for `layer`|Out of range|
# See Also
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-background[Background overview]
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-bgput{`BGPUT`}
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