Root / Documentation / [.]

Fill a rectangular region of a background layer.
# Syntax
BGFILL layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, chr, pal, h, v
BGFILL layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, tile
BGFILL layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, tile$
| Input | Description |[#]
|`layer`| Layer to write tile to. 0 is the foreground, 1 is the background. |
|`x1`| x-coordinate of first corner of region to write |
|`y1`| y-coordinate of first corner of region to write |
|`x2`| x-coordinate of second corner of region to write |
|`y2`| y-coordinate of second corner of region to write |
|`chr`| Character id of tile |
|`pal`| Color palette of tile |
|`h`| Flips tile horizontally if set |
|`v`| Flips tile vertically if set |
|`tile`| Combined tile data as number |
|`tile$`| Combined tile data as hex string |
Fills a region of the selected background layer with the specified tile. The region is defined as the rectangle with corners at (`x1`,`y1`) and (`x2`,`y2`). The tile's data can be specified as components or as combined data - see \link[sbs/page:docs-ptc-background]{the overview} for more info.
# Examples
CHR=37 'grass tile
PAL=8 'palette 8 (brown and green)
'Fills half of the screen with grass tiles.
BGFILL 0,0,0,15,23,CHR,PAL,0,0
TILE=1 'gray square
'Fills the entire background layer with gray tiles.
BGFILL 1,0,0,63,63,TILE
'chr=526 hex$(chr)=&H20E
TILE$="020E" 'downward pointing arrow
'Fills the visible portion of the foreground layer with arrows
BGFILL 0,0,0,31,23,TILE$
# Notes
All numeric arguments are rounded down.
If `tile` is greater than 65535 (2^16-1), only the lower 16 bits are used. This is equivalent to `tile AND &HFFFF` or `tile % 65536`
If `x1`,`y1`,`x2`, or `y2` are out of the range [0,63], the values will be clipped to that range.
The order of coordinates used for `x1`,`y1` and `x2`,`y2` does not matter.
'These will cover the same region of tiles:
BGFILL 1,0,0,3,3,2
BGFILL 0,3,3,0,0,3
# Errors
|Action | Error|[#]
|Zero to five arguments are specified | Missing operand |
|Seven to Eight arguments are specified | Missing operand |
|Ten or more arguments are specified | Syntax error |
|A value not 0 or 1 is passed for `layer` | Out of range |
|A value not in range of 0 to 1023 is used for `chr` | Out of range |
|A value not 0 or 1 is used for `h` or `v` | Out of range |
|A value not in range of 0 to 15 is used for `pal` | Out of range |
|A string value is passed in place of a numeric argument | Type Mismatch |
|A string that isn't exactly four hex digits is used for `tile$` | Illegal function call |
# See Also
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-background[Background overview]
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-bgclr{`BGCLR`}
- sbs:page/docs-ptc-bgput{`BGPUT`}
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