Might make SBS readonly: thread

Could someone translate this compiler

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Hi, I found a program that compile code in SmileBasic. Here is the link of the program: http://wiki.hosiken.jp/petc3gou/?Toukou%2FSmileBasic3-CustomCompiler Basically, you could make a main App, include other files into it and make "modules"(It seem something similar to classes or struct if you know C). The problem is that the error messages are in japanese. I hope that someone could translate this because it's a very useful tool for big projects.

Now try google translate, hah https://my.mixtape.moe/xzkoyb.txt

Thanks for posting the code. I'm gonna translate it but first I need to fix a bug.(Any array with two or more dimension is trimmed. Ex: "a[100,100]" become "a[100")

This forum needs a "like" button.

If you feel so you should add a suggestion here.

I don't actually need a like button. I can just express my liking things with words.

You could have just said you liked the forum lol. A kudos button or something like from the old Wikia site would be cool though, although unnecessary and practically useless.

I translated only the messages that appear when the compiler fail. Also, fixed the error with the comma. I don't know if I can post this on program but here is the key if anyone want to use this for their project. 4KS3NEJX There is an issue that I haven't solve yet: Function that use parenthesis need spaces on the argument. Example: RGB(0,50,0) will fail, but RGB( 0,50,0 ) won't. doSomething() also fail, but doSomething( ) won't.