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Coding help? Attacking, Weapons and Armour

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So far all I've been able to do is make a map area, recoloured a SmileBASIC character and got him to move. But I'm stumped on how to make him hold weapons and attack. I already made the weapons but that's about it. It's just a test game that I'll use for reference in my own game

You can either make more sprites for your character to use when they're holding a weapon, and another set to use for the attack animation; or you can use SPLINK to attach a weapon sprite to your character sprite. If you have various weapons, then linking them to your character sprite is probably the easiest way to do it, otherwise you'll be making a lot of sprites. Also, in your game, remember to control how frequently an attack can be repeated and stop the player from spamming the attack button. You could have a timeout value on each weapon, measured in frames, and compare that to the number of MAINCNT frames that have elapsed since the last attack; letting you have quick and slow attacks, for example.

Alright I was able to SPLINK it but I can't figure out how to make him hold it or swing it, still kinda new at this But I was able to make him look like he's holding the weapon

Alright I was able to SPLINK it but I can't figure out how to make him hold it or swing it, still kinda new at this But I was able to make him look like he's holding the weapon
Make it so that if BUTTON() is 16 or 32 (A or B button)is true Then animate sword to move a few pixels forward and then back, or rotate, or however you want it to look.

How would I do that in Coding language? Still... not sure...

    SPANIM 'whatever animation you want'
    SPANIM 'other animation or something
This might work to allow some differing animations. Could probably be optimized and made more useful but it's a start :P

Will it cause a problem if I have a B=BUTTON() already used for walking? Or would I just add to it? And the Animations I assume to use SPANIM and I am but I just can't make him move it the way I want this is frustrating, haha But I really wanna learn this

Will it cause a problem if I have a B=BUTTON() already used for walking? Or would I just add to it? And the Animations I assume to use SPANIM and I am but I just can't make him move it the way I want this is frustrating, haha But I really wanna learn this
If you already have button input just extend it. Maybe IF B AND #A THEN 'animationy stuffs.
but I just can't make him move it the way I want
Do you mean the player or the sword?

Yeah I should be more specific, I can't seem to get the Character to hold the Sword correctly. I've used SPANIM 1,"R",60,90,0 after the THEN but no angle suits the holding unless I use "XY" to position it to the right of him But so far thank you for the help, I actually have him doing actions when I press A, it's great

Yeah I should be more specific, I can't seem to get the Character to hold the Sword correctly. I've used SPANIM 1,"R",60,90,0 after the THEN but no angle suits the holding unless I use "XY" to position it to the right of him But so far thank you for the help, I actually have him doing actions when I press A, it's great
Use SPHOME to make the sprites rotate around that point! :D Then the sword can rotate around, say, the hilt, using SPANIM.

Haven't been working on my game because of a sickness but I'm getting over it, I decided instead of making the swords handle turn to make it look like the character is holding it, I instead just angled the weapon sprite itself. But the weapon swings in a wide ark then freezes a few pixels away from my character and no matter how much I've been reading on it I can't get the right angle and animation on the swing I should just upload the game so it'd be easier to get what I'm saying