

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]

I was playing Celeste earlier through NTR CFW (since my top screen is broken) and decided to instead make it display on the bottom screen. The only defect I can see is that the solid colored background that comes with the triple jump is shifted. I'll fix this later probably Key (program only): QKHEREC3 (066 for patched)

I was playing Celeste earlier through NTR CFW (since my top screen is broken) and decided to instead make it display on the bottom screen. The only defect I can see is that the solid colored background that comes with the triple jump is shifted. I'll fix this later probably Key (program only): QKHEREC3

I did some stuff and made it so you can jump ∞ times. Or at least 200000000000000000000000000 times. Have fun! The key is 8J7YQ3AJ. Tell me if it is wrong please. Also, you might not want to get the green circle thing, it's useless. It wastes time, if you're a tasbot.