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Celeste Classic Edit (Read Download instructions)

Root / Submissions / [.]

(Not tested on Old 3DS, Wii U or Switch, so FPS/stability may vary) An edit of a port for a great game, If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know in the comments, I did not make this game nor did I port it, all rights go to their original programmers. In the future If there is enough space on the sides I will change the font but for now the default smilebasic font will have to do for the info on the side.


-Download instructions-

Download the latest version of the Celeste port from http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=161 then download this and put it in the same group/folder as the Celeste files, and run the file named "CELESTEEDIT"!


  • L to Fast forward
  • R to use slow motion
  • X to pause
  • Press A or B in the pause menu for their respective button modes
Button modes: Default is A /Y to dash while B is to jump Alternative is B to dash and A/Y to jump.


  • Saving
  • Fast forward(Limited based on hardware, Hold L to use)
  • Slow motion(Hold R to use)
  • Shows your X and Y coords, Time, and Deaths
  • 2 different button layouts

Known bugs

("-" = Not fixed in current version, "X" = Fixed in current version) X - Text doesn't overlay properly in pause menu when changing modes(Fixed in 1.3) - Text doesn't disappear when exiting pause menu or changing settings(Lazily fixed in 1.3 by killing the player after changing a setting/loading, dying will fix any stray boxes from the pause menu) - Saving at Level up chest while having 2 dashes will play animation after going near chest X - Deaths counter/Time gets in the way of the screen and becomes unreadable at certain points X - Game improperly saves after powerup and loading will make the game unbeatable(Save's don't save your max jumps, Fixed in 1.3)

-Older versions-

You can get 1.4 with N5VEX334 (Latest) You can get 1.3 with Q3QP3E3D (Save compatible with 1.4) You can get 1.2 with BP54V3NJ (Saves are compatible with 1.3) You can get 1.1 with 4KVPX3H3 (Note: File name is CELESTEDIT and saves from this version are not supported anymore) You can get 1.0 with C3KKQJHX (Note: This version doesn't have saving)

-Change Log-

1.4 - Adjusted UI to be more readable, Because of this the death counter and time cannot get in the way of the game(Unless you die over 1 million times or take more then 100 hours on one run) Saves are completely compatible with 1.3. 1.3 - Fixed a few bugs with text rendering on pause screen, Game actually saves your max dashes, Added sound and text for if a noexistant/invalid file tried to load, Added some text. Saves are completely compatible with 1.2. 1.2 - Added a compatibility feature so saves made after this build should be compatible with the latest build(This sadly breaks older saves though), Game now saves your max dash count so end game doesn't get broken. 1.1 - Added save and load feature, you can press R to save on the pause menu, Press L to load on the pause menu. Saving will save the room you are in, the time you have, deaths and your button layout


Matt Thorson & Noel Berry - Making the original game https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celesteclassic Obono - Making the original port http://smilebasicsource.com/user/OBONO Superpowers04 - The current modifier(E.g Guy who made this poorly coded edit)

Looks nice

Looks nice

Thanks although I didn't make the game, I only added info on the side, a second control option and fast forward/rewind(Edit: Slow mode not Rewind XD) buttons lol

Ok , but it's useful