Might make SBS readonly: thread

CAR(Beta Version 1.0)

Root / Submissions / [.]

It's a game where you drive around and collect coins! Watch out for the enemy car, he'll kill ya'! Update: This is probably never going to get a newer version. I created this really to get a feel for SmileBASIC again.


Controls: Circle Pad - Move A - Boost(Kills enemy car when you run into it) B - Breaks


Things to add in the future:
  • A "Shop" for speed upgrades, boost upgrades, and other useful things
  • More enemies?
  • Better graphics
  • Better enemy "attacking" and a more difficult way to kill it
Suggestions/bug reports are very welcome.

Cute sprites!

Replying to:Amoura
Cute sprites!
Thanks, but they're the stock sprites, lol.

Replying to:Amoura
Cute sprites!
but the way you used them was cuute

Nice game! I like how the enemy keeps spawning. He must have good car insurance.