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A happy game about mashing buttons... Or is it happy? I hope it's playable


CREDITS RWIIUG0129 - Music CHANGELOG 1.0 -Initial release 1.1 -Fixed some typos -Made the "button to press" icons bigger because some people are blind (jk) -Now you can press R to to speed up dialogues -Sped up Mush in boss "fight" by 0,00002 -Decreased the timer from 85 seconds to 60 seconds -Made the game how it was meant to be

OK... I actually really like this lol. Oh but next time, you should scale the "button to press" up so it's easier to see. It's so tiny!

Replying to:haloopdy
OK... I actually really like this lol. Oh but next time, you should scale the "button to press" up so it's easier to see. It's so tiny!
Yeah, i will. I was testing it so much times that it looked okay to me, thanks.


Amusing concept. The tiny little icon (perhaps I Need glasses) distracted from the MASSIVE TENSION in the boss fight...

Replying to:cujo1992
Amusing concept. The tiny little icon (perhaps I Need glasses) distracted from the MASSIVE TENSION in the boss fight...
Glad you liked it! I could have made the button icons bigger, but as the "short" description says... I made it in 2 days before the deadline, so i hadn't much time

Replying to:cujo1992
Amusing concept. The tiny little icon (perhaps I Need glasses) distracted from the MASSIVE TENSION in the boss fight...
Yeah - you didn't have tons of time to make new sprites! Very impressive for only 2 days to work on it.

i want all of the options on the polls

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i want all of the options on the polls
Alright, will do! Btw you can vote for multiple options

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i want all of the options on the polls
oh. ok!

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i want all of the options on the polls
i meant poll but for some reason i can't edit it

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i want all of the options on the polls
also a sequel where, well i won't spoil this game but the plot has spoilers and here it is:
Spoilerthe demon mush kills (or tries to kill) another person who is the red haired guy who is overused lol

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i want all of the options on the polls
Oh, a sequel... Yeah that should work, but after i finish this one and maybe some other games i have already started making

new ideas yaaaaaay [poll=p241][/poll] there is also a spoilery option so here it is: (that poll is closed)
Spoiler[poll=p242][/poll] sorry for bad capitalization but i can't edit the poll Edit 1:added this message at the end Iā€™m sorry. This was a stupid idea. This poll is now closed.
Edit 2:fixed grammar/grammer. lol and added the edit 1 and edit 2 things (edit 1 is in the spoiler section) Edit 3:fixed a mistake and added something to the spoiler section.

Replying to:haloopdy
OK... I actually really like this lol. Oh but next time, you should scale the "button to press" up so it's easier to see. It's so tiny!
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