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Boxart mockups for SB

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Someone probably wants these out there, so I'll go ahead and upload these things I made: Fake boxarts for SmileBasic on Switch and 3DS. Use as you like, but PLEASE credit me in the description of your program if you do.

I was also gonna make a bonus one for good ol' Petit Computer but I couldn't find a version of the PTC logo that was transparent.

That's really cool. I don't know if I'll ever use it, though. But who knows lol

I was able to make the bonus one actually, thanks to a fellow SB community member finding the PTC logo

O.O this is really nice... You could like make a irl game box with this and inplace of a cartridge put the download key in there. You can also make manuals for the projects...

O.O this is really nice... You could like make a irl game box with this and inplace of a cartridge put the download key in there. You can also make manuals for the projects...
lol that'd be interesting to see