
Bomberman fan contest

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Im making a contest where people can submit there bomberman Original Characters so I can add them to my bomberman game that im making (Project Bomber Blast ) . The persone in 1st place will get there character put in game 2nd place will get there character as a ALT look for a already existing character and for 3rd place you will get nothing the 3 winners will get there names in the credits . As special thanks to people.

Here is pretty bad SBS pilot idea : It may go a bit like this On a day like every (protag. name) was just done with proggraming on SB .He could finaly upload a project that was actualy a full game . He said "Yes!!!! Finaly I must be one of the few people to actualy make a full game!!!" He uploaded it and ... No answer but that was expected SBS was a waste land.But he knew that he could see responses probley in the next few days .3Days later ... his notifications where over 9000 his project exploded with etension but it was not the good kind ... They where all hate comments from lil 12 year old's they commented things like "This Sucks where is my Fortnite level " or things like "I cant even get a minecraft girl freiind in this " or "Ooof even Roblox's graphics are better than this" suprissingly do there were no comments saying that the project was bugy as hekk .... End pilot (A lot of grammer mistakes :/ ).

Im gana use this for al kind of rabdom stuff

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Im gana use this for al kind of rabdom stuff
No, you're not.