Bio Hazard BETA
Root / Submissions / [.]
This is a very early beta of the game that I have been working on, "Bio Hazard." Bio Hazard is a zombie survival style type of game insired by Ninja Kiwi's "SAS: Zombie Assualt" series. The project currently contains two executable files (with ".EXE") that you can run. The first one is titled "BIO_HAZARD.EXE" and will load the map titled TEST2 for you to try out the current version of the game.
The second executable is called "EDITOR.EXE" and will run a mostly complete map editor that will be compatible with all future versions that use the exact same map format. If there are any updates to the map system, I will let you guys know ahead of time so that you can keep any of your maps from breaking.
This currently utilizes the following resources:
- GONT pathfinding library (uploaded)
- GGLib geometry library (not uploaded)
- Running Length Encoder (not uploaded)
- better zombie behavior
- gun placements (requires map change)
- handle barricades (currently ignores in game)
- gun framework
- zombie-player collision (hitting and pushing)
Coming soon to a gaming kiosk near you...
Resident Hill: Amnesia Edition
Okay, I just figured out a way that I can have large maps and avoid crashes due to memory constraints. I will be taking a page from ezsb and use GRP stitching. I hope to have this done in about a week.