I keep adding things onto myself for this first update. After figuring out how I'm going to work the day night cycle, I decided I was going to optimize the spritesheet..... wich required me to modify a large amount of code to remap tiledata and whatnot. Just finished it, so now im going to get the day night cycle working rq, and then im gunna finish up the title screen. I might just use sprites and have them overlap the planned background for the title screen. My plan is to have a world generate and scroll in the background of the title screen. Not sure what ill add next other then more progression with crafting and world modifying. Update coming soon. I really should focus on this more then xenoblade but damn I love xenoblade chronicles.
Beyond: thread
This is just an official thread for my project. I'm almost done with the first version, and soon I will release a code. Not many people seem interested but I will still follow through.
The game will be story and combat focused, although 0.1 won't feature any combat. 0.1 will have seed based terrain generation, interaction with the world, 3 world sizes (300 small, 450 medium, 700 large). Farming will be in the game as a food source, there are several biomes that generate such as plains, forest, lakes, geode(for ore farming as there are no caves) desert, and a magma badlands biome.
I'll make posts with other features in time.
So is this website even used anymore?
Here's an update: most features for this first version are complete, consisting of a working title screen, new and loading files(up to 3), seed based world generation with multiple biomes, and the world updates blocks over time. The inventory is complete, the crafting is barebones but functional, and overall the game plays smoothly. I dont plan on it but I might update the bottom menu before release. In any case, its coming along all right.