I've already come up with an excellent idea for making the blocks move and stuff, but IDK about making them move you if you're idle and in your way. That might be a bit complicated, but if I get it to work it'll be great for elevators and stuff!
ASCII Platformer
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Download:4KS54XD3Version:Update 6Size:
A simple platformer made of ASCII characters. Inspired from VVVVVV, as seen in the game since you can flip gravity.
I LOVE how big this game has gotten! This is getting more upvotes that I ever imagined, and more lines of code than I ever though I would put in a program! Thanks everyone who's played, everyone's who's upvoted this game, and to whoever gave me suggestions on how to make the game better! This game would not be in the position it is if it weren't for you all! THANK YOU ALL!
About Moving Blocks: These blocks will be postponed in the next update until a smooth engine is whipped up. I am having technical issues with it, going to fast and collision detection not exactly working. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, anyways, enjoy the rest of the game! Moving Death has been added, but still making a proper, working engine attachment for moving platforms.
Maybe using data in a way? Or CLS but make sure everything spawns where it supposed to and have them in the same spot(if they don't move) or update their location?
Try this tutorial that I made a few days ago.key-A3W4ENQV
Ai movement that goes towards the player even if their idle
I meant for walls. Like if a moving wall is coming your way, it needs to push you, right? This will prove to be difficult for pretty hard to explain reasons, but I'll try my best.
Oh lol yea
I'm already starting to test my idea. It will only support one block worth of wall though.
The moving system works, now I need to implement collision detections and stuff like that.
Your on a fire!
New update added. I'm probably releasing too many of these in such rapid succession, but who cares! Next I'm going to need to make a way to make custom levels, too add variety to how people play the game.
Replying to:TheV360
This is a really good game! I just found one bug: in the level where/after you introduce wrap-around, I could go out of the level and crash the game...
Really? I thought I fixed something like that... can you tell me exactly what level and how you did it?
well its not made by the same guy who made ^^^^^^, so i dont think i own the right to make a sequel of a game i didnt make. uhhh if i called it ^^^^^^ 2, thatd be kind of a unofficial sequel, like what 343industries did with the halo franchise.
Hmmm maybe some kind of history thing is in order now.... it'll take a while to make though.
Oh the edit was removing the strategy category though. Or toUppercasing the public key. Sorry.
how is this not strategy?
raichubender is editing everything