ASCII Art \ Mazefated (RPG) [Alpha build]
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In the past few weeks, my friend's dad let me borrow his old Apple //e, and I made some neat stuff for it. Recently it occurred to me that all of it could be remastered for SmileBASIC, so, I did so. Unfortunately, I wasn't thinking when I created the first two projects (an ASCII art program and a little RPG) and put them in the same folder, so they have to be downloaded as a package.
ASCIIART is, as the name implies, a program for creating art out of text. If you suck at sprite graphics but don't mind typing "PRINT" constantly, this program should be an invaluable resource. Unfortunately, there's no way to export anything into a text file or anything like that, so I'd just use it to "mock up" or experiment with the graphics.
MAZEFATED is a little RPG I made, originally for the AII but now on here. You play an O moving in a randomly generated maze. There's really no way to "win." I plan to add a final boss and some sort of goals in later, but for now it's just an endless game.
The difficulty level is rather high. There aren't very many enemies and items, and most of it is more than a little derived. Nevertheless you may enjoy this little game.
This is (these are?) my first real SB project(s), (not counting a couple lame things I did back in PTC,) so they may not be the great stuff everyone else has out there. But here you go.
Are you on LBP? (LBP2/3)
Because there is a SP_SOUR on LBP...
You should have PMed them. This has nothing to do with this game.
But, one of their interests in their picture is LBP so thatโs probably them.
Yeah... PM...