Might make SBS readonly: thread

Animation tool?

Root / Programming Questions / [.]

Has anyone figured out how to use the animations from the animation tool? I haven't seen anyone really talk about it.

To add frames use the sign + on the frame button. You can define movement(XY), 3D(Z), Sprite used(DF), Rotation(RT), Color(CL) and Variable(V7). Also, if you add a node, then you could handle more than one sprite per animation(Example: a warrior(SP1) and a sword(SP2)). Once you finish your animation, you need to press anmtest. Then, press saveslot 1 to generate a second program that will play your animation. Finally, you must call the animation inside your program. First, use EXEC "PRG1:ANIM" to load the animation and then ANMPLAY MANAGEMENT_NUMBER, ANIMATION_NUMBER(0-64),POS_X,POS_Y Also, I think you must call SPSET before ANMPLAY.