
android SIMULATOR.

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do you think i should make an android simulator. it will run apps, working text mesasging, and games? it will take a little while but it can be done.[poll=p21][/poll]

ok 2 things. 1. why no? 2. im gonna do it anyway :P (i was just wondering if anybody wanted one)
Spoilerwill allow custom wallpaper

I'm just going to guess the answer to your question is "there is no point or purpose to an operating system in smile basic." Take what you've learned and apply it to a game.

... Take what you've learned and apply it to a game.
Or a tool.

I'm kind of split down the middle on this. I voted 'no', but I acknowledge that this is your time and effort being invested, and ultimately, you should make the program you feel inspired to make. If you are making this just for yourself, then carry on and have fun. The flip side of this, is that SmileBASIC is driven purely by communal efforts, that is to say, the longevity and growth of this site and 3DS app, hinge largely on people making and sharing programs that others find relevant. The fact that you are polling public interest suggests that you want to be part of SmileBASIC, socially(sharing/talking about programs). And to that end, I voted no. Not because I think your program is dumb or bad, I just don't know how it will be used, except as a novelty. I see you post a lot about your apps here, and you are clearly passionate about making them. If you can find a way to make them more engaging (fun or game like) or fill a void in the current suite of programs (a better sprite editor, MML editor, etc), I think you will get more traction and support.

ok.... i have a better idea. nobody will know what it is