Or if there is copyright, just make a clone which has boxes instead of round objects.
Agar.io Anyone
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Anyone making a game like agar.io with single player and bots or local multiplayer?
I could if you really want, Its going to be super easy to, but give me a few days. I'm working on a Christmas game dubbed R.T.R.R.
OK, could you add local multiplayer (Thank you!)
Hopefully you could finish it on sat. or sun. ? Do you think?
Hmm, local multiplayer idunno because my brother hasn't got smileBASIC yet, but I will later on, as for the due date...maybe, if everything is going a smooth road yes, if not then Tuesday at the latest of next week
ok, sure. I can't wait (I know I am not the only one!)
With multiplayer especially!
As for the bots, they will be easy to make
I am hyped!
Good to hear, and no worries I'll get it done asap
Will it be hard for you to make multiplayer? :(
Yes because I have one system with smileBASIC at the moment
Well if you try, I can test it!
Yes, for sure :D
I know, we got this
Well, I must work on the audio (not now but the tune and beat)
(the idea you know)
Yea OK
I can't wait